Tuesday, June 05, 2007

i have pretty much given up hope on this page these days. it comes to a point where you just seem to realise that the more you say the more shit you land yourself into. so why bother right?

owell life is such and the earth isn't gonna stop spinning for anyone so therefore life goes on. i have learnt much over the last couple of months.

notice how everybody had a dream when we were small? Some would want to be a pilot when they grew up, others doctors and there where those who aspired to be lawyers. well for me it has always been to venture into the financial sector. and it helps that everytime i go to school these days, its right in the heart of the financial beat. its a really good feeling and i dunno how to quite describe it but i know that one day i might just be sitting on one of the floors of those tall skyscrapers.

it also helps that im in an international school. the environment is really conducive and the people communicate on a whole different level. not to mention the unique relationship between the staff, teachers and students. this winning pedagogy will prove to be a success formula in the near future.

you reflect on issues and then you realise the irony of it all. that humans can be such complex creatures. that really sometimes honesty isnt quite the best policy because it lets you down. but on the other hand, i choose to see the positives of this entire episode. i realised i should not have remained in that hole that i dropped into. it was actually an opportunity of awakening. a chance to make me realise that i can finally move on. and to greater heights that is.

things are shaping up and the stage lights are set. september 2008. mark this month on your calendars ladies and gentleman, something spectacular is going to unfold.


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